
Blood money movie character backstory
Blood money movie character backstory

Selene then captures Singe, and is able to torture him for information. Selene flees to Michael, but a shootout causes her to become distracted, allowing the Lycans to kidnap Michael. Selene is locked away, but is soon released by Erika, who is desperately in love with Kraven and hopes Selene will no longer be competition for Kraven's attentions should she flee the Coven. To her surprise, Viktor condemns Selene to be judged by the Vampire Elder Amelia and the Vampire Council for the crime of awakening him ahead of schedule. She awakens a powerful Vampire Elder named Viktor, whom she trusts and believes will help her. She finds an ancient leather-bound book, where she recognizes the pendant Lucian had been wearing, confirming her suspicion that the powerful Lycan is still alive. Selene continues her investigation by breaking into the Coven's library to learn about the hidden past of the Vampires.

blood money movie character backstory

At the same time, a curious servant named Erika discovers the Lycan bite on Michael's shoulder and chases him from the mansion. When Selene returns to the Vampire mansion with Michael, Kraven loses his temper and mentions Lucian in the present tense, making Selene suspicious of whether Lucian really died six centuries previously. Selene helps Michael to escape and he saves her life after she passes out from blood loss and drives her car into a river. Soon after, Selene breaks into Michael's apartment and the pair are attacked by Lycans, including Lucian, who bites Micheal on the shoulder. He announces that all of his tests have been failing, and that he must find a new test subject soon. Meanwhile, in an underground Lycan lair, a scientist named Singe is testing blood from kidnapped descendants of the Corvinus family, with the intention of finding a pure source of the ancient and powerful Corvinus blood type. Selene secretly continues her investigation, intending to find out why the Lycans were chasing a human and whether there may be a large den of Lycans. However, Vampire regent Kraven tells her to drop the matter and openly mocks her. When Selene arrives at the Vampire Coven's mansion, she recounts the evening's events. After the Lycans retreat from Selene's barrage of machine pistol fire, she tracks them to their lair, where she hears loud howling. In the chaotic shootout, Selene realizes that the Lycans may have been following a human, Michael Corvin, which is very unusual. As the Vampires follow the Lycans into a subway station, the Lycans realize that they are being followed and open fire with submachine guns. The Vampires believe that they defeated the Lycans many centuries ago and killed their leader, Lucian, and that they must now kill off the survivors. Selene's motivation goes beyond duty she also wants revenge, for she believes that Lycans slaughtered her family when she was a child. The Vampires, Selene and Rigel, specialize in assassinating this ancient species. its a small recommend, ive seen worse, and ive seen better features.Perched on the ledge of a building on a rainy night, two black-garbed Vampires known as Death Dealers track a pair of Lycans walking on the street below. berenger, the grumpy old man remembers you best from lurking in the viatnamese jungel, so ending the show in the state of maine remaines to see if it was a success or not. is it a synth score, well its a cheap and most surtainly a bad flick.

blood money movie character backstory blood money movie character backstory

then comes the score, wich can tell if its a good or bad movie. what makes me drool is the scripted story, and the choice of support cast to this s not at all good. no more i shall tell, just say its intense, but very very slow.

blood money movie character backstory

, then the human hunt is on, with all his might and blood clothing cough of vanishing physical condition fading fast due to old age. female, with a fortune of money in her baggage. hes a hunter, searching maine for deers, till he takes a devastating blow of shooting a fur coated. they do of course need butter on the bread too, so why not make another film in the glory of ageing, before the stars fades out to oblivion, though tom berenger will survive in the memory of 3 generations to come, he has had his glory moments.and his caracterisation effort in blood and money isnt a lowdown at all. They are getting old, the supernovas that held our nerves back in the 70's and 80's.

Blood money movie character backstory